Umělec: Francisco De Goya
Styl: Romanticism
Technika: Oil
Atropos, or The Fates (Spanish: Átropos or Las Parcas) is one of the 14 black paintings painted by Francisco de Goya between 1819-23. Goya was then 75 and in mental and physical despair, created the series directly onto the interior walls of the house known as "The House of the Deaf Man" (Quinta del Sordo), purchased in 1819. It probably occupied a position on the second floor of the house beside the Fight with Cudgels and across from the Fantastic Vision. Like the rest of the black paintings, it was transferred to canvas in 1873-74 under the supervision of Salvador Martínez Cubells, a curator at the Museo del Prado. The owner, Baron Emile d'Erlanger, donated the canvases to the Spanish state in 1881, and they are now on display at the Prado.
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