Artist: Tiziano Vecellio (Titian)
Topic: Woman
Date: 1556
Size: 187 x 205 cm
Museum: National Gallery of Scotland (Edinburgh, United Kingdom)
Technique: Oil On Canvas
The central part of the polyptych represents the Resurrection. Mannerist tendencies can be observed in the polyptych. The landscape background is of the highest quality, with recognizable view of Brescia.The bright figure of the ascending Christ is surrounded by clouds that are lit up by the red rays of the early morning sun. The light in the upper part of the painting forms a vivid contrast to the darkness of the tomb, where the only flashes of light are reflections from the guards' armour. This dramatic effect of the light supports the theological message of the Resurrection.Titian openly vies with sculpture in the figure of Christ, taking inspiration from the recently discovered Hellenistic statue of Laocoon.
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