The Seven Acts of Charity (also known as The Seven Acts of Mercy) – (Pieter Bruegel The Younger) Previous Next

Wondering about the value of your painting?

We delight to tell you that is also an expert in the field of fine art attribution, authentication and appraisal. We cooperate with museums, galleries and auction houses all around the world and assist private collectors and owners. Provenance reconstruction, review of documentary evidence as well as special photography are the on proven methods of authentication research that relies on.


What should you charge when you sell your art? Is your skill level worthy of the price you are charging? Take advantage of our free advice on how to sell art. In case you are not comfortable auctioning yourself it’s also a good idea to consult our professional marketers.


An attribution is an assessment of who was responsible for creating a particular work. We wait from you for various forms of documentation, certificates of authenticity, provenance, receipts, writing on the art itself, and other kinds of statements in order to attribute your masterpiece.


The first step in determining the value of a work of art is determining its authenticity. Knowing the difference between a fake and an original requires expertise. Luckily, we have for you a series of guidelines to help you navigate the process.


If you have a work of art that has been already authenticated, we can determine its fair market value. Email us photos of the front/back of your painting including the dimensions, what you know about its history/origin, and what State/Country in which it is located and we will give you a written statement of its value.

Email photos of the front/back of your painting to us. Please include the dimensions and what you know about its history/origin:

Photo Upload Tips
Some tips on taking photos the right way, to get the quickest service.


Try to shoot your item against a neutral background.



Look for important details and photograph them in close-up.



Try to avoid reflections that might obscure important detail.