אמן: Diego Rivera
נושאים: Gardens And Parks Dreams
תַאֲרִיך: 1948
טֶכנִיקָה: Frescoes
The mural was originally created at the request of architect Carlos Obregón Santacilia for the Versailles Restaurant of the Hotel Del Prado, which was located across the street. When the hotel was rendered uninhabitable by the 1985 Mexico City earthquake and condemned for demolition, the mural was restored and moved to its own museum. The mural depicts famous people and events in the history of Mexico , passing through the Alameda Central Park in Mexico City. Some notable figures include Frida Kahlo , José Guadalupe Posada , Francisco I. Madero , Benito Juarez , Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz , Porfirio Díaz , Agustín de Iturbide , Ignacio Manuel Altamirano , Maximilian I of Mexico , Juan de Zumárraga , Antonio López de Santa Anna , Winfield Scott , Victoriano Huerta , José Martí, Manuel Gutiérrez Nájera , Hernán Cortés , Nicolás Zúñiga and Miranda , and La Malinche .
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