The Magician – (Rene Magritte) Sebelumnya Berikutnya


Gaya: Surrealism

topik: Magic

tanggal: 1952

ukuran: 34 x 45 cm

Teknik: Oil

Like Magritte said: “Anyone crazy about movement or its opposite will not enjoy this picture.” I agree with Magritte because this painting is simultaneously static and generates a lot of movement. It looks static because Magritte seems to be frozen: the way he’s chewing, cutting the meat and poring the wine all seem like frozen actions. Despite this, having four arms and hands doing something at the same time inevitably creates movement. Magritte created a masterpiece with very fragile balance. It’s hard to explain this “static-movement” because we only see it on a painting, as a picture. We have then try to imagine how this would look in real life, we have to imagine as if a person was eating with four hands in front of us.



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