Artist: Fra Angelico
Style: Early Renaissance
Topic: Characters Religious
Technique: Oil
The Annunciation (1442-43) is a Fresco by the an Early Italian Renaissance painter Fra Angelico. This fresco is situated on the wall of the northern corridor on the upper floor in front of the staircase in the Convento di San Marco in Florence. It was painted on Angelico's return from Rome in 1450, and is therefore several years later than the majority of the frescoes at San Marco. In style it falls between the sparseness of The Annunciation in cell 3 and the richness of the Cortona altarpiece. Unlike in the Cortona version, the garden is here viewed through a colonnade of columns which recede to a vanishing point near the centre of the painting. The Fresco (230 x 321 cm) is now in the Convento di San Marco, Florence.
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