Artist: Wassily Kandinsky
Style: Abstract Art
Topic: Abstracted
Date: 1914
Size: 110 x 110 cm
Museum: Stadtische Galerie in Lenbach (Munich, Germany)
Technique: Oil On Canvas
Improvization (Russian: Импровизация) is a painting of 1914 by the Russian Impressionist Wassily Kandinsky (1866–1944). The oil on canvas painting is a part of the Improvisations series and is drawn on abstract painting style and genre and it measures 97 by 98 centimeters. It is now housed at Städtische Galerie im Lenbachhaus, Munich. In this painting Kandinsky portraits a still drawing inspiration from the landscape. His experience of walking through a steep-sided gorge, using the ladder motif to express a sense of towering height.
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