Artista: Claude Monet
Estilo: Impressionism
tópicos: Rivers
Encontro: 1881
Tamanho: 82 x 81 cm
museu: Art Institute of Chicago (Chicago, United States)
The elegant poplar trees on the banks of the River Epte, seen against a patchy blue summer sky, fuse with their reflected image in a network of brightly coloured brushstrokes. This is a work from Monet's celebrated series of poplar paintings made between the spring and autumn of 1891, the year after he had settled in Giverny. He used a boat as a floating studio and captured beautifully the shimmering effects of sunlight on water. The trees were ready to be sold for timber, but Monet, in partnership with a timber merchant, bought the trees at auction so that he could continue painting them.
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