umelec: Joan Miro
štýl: Abstract Expressionism
Dátum: 1941
Veľkosť: 46 x 38 cm
Múzeum: Art Institute of Chicago (Chicago, United States)
technika: Gouache
Ciphers and Constellations in Love with a Woman (Catalian: Xifrats i constel · lacions, en l'amor amb una dona) is a 1941 Abstract Expressionism style painting created by Joan Miro. The painting is 46 cm x 38 cm, based on gouache and oil media displays Love with a Woman and is available at Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA. Miro's Ciphers & Constellations in Love with a Woman, is one of the 23 pieces in his Constellations series. It depicts a women in dreams. She gazes into the shapes her eyes play with stars— the lions and bears scorpions and crabs, and all the people even goddesses and gods. She likes to sweep and linger pause and dart off, caressed by long drools of bubbles as she dives, curving her fingers against the liquid blue iridescence and bubbles O on OO babbling. Diatoms and sand crystals, self sufficient constellations displaced by her plunge drift upwards as small suns, aglow O on O, streaming away from her slick hips, her thighs, slithering eel ribbons, rising up. She dreams herself agaunt addict driven- this figure, that figure-- this woman in the abyssm becomes all women, nature. Nameless, a cipher in eclipse. Gouache and watercolor with traces of graphite on ivory wove paper.
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