umelec: Wassily Kandinsky
štýl: Expressionism
Témy: Railway Scenes Buildings
Dátum: 1909
Veľkosť: 36 x 49 cm
Múzeum: Stadtische Galerie in Lenbach (Munich, Germany)
technika: Oil
View of Murnau (Russian: Вид Мурнау) is an 1909 oil painting by Russian painter and art theorist, Wassily Kandinsky. It was created in Munich on cardboard by use of expressionism style and landscape genre. The painting measures 36 by 49 centimeters and is now housed at Städtische Galerie im Lenbachhaus, Munich. In 1909, Kandinsky had found a foothold in Murnau; the landscape inspired him to new artistic efforts in which he sought to transfer his woodcut style to his landscape studies in oils. Murnau View with Railway and Castle displays many of the characteristics of Kandinsky's wood cuts in its composition, particularly in the silhouetted flatness of the forms. The strong, thickly applied colours, in sharp contrast to the black of train, were a new means of artistic expression.
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