The aficionado (The torero) – (Pablo Picasso) Tidigare Nästa


Stil: Analytical Cubism

ämnen: Men

datum: 1912

storlek: 135 x 82 cm

museum: Museum of the Kunstmuseum Basel (Switzerland)

Teknik: Oil On Canvas

This painting is part of the work of transition to synthetic cubism . It reuses invented by technical Georges Braque in 1911 which is to include letters and words in the web . It reads in part: "Nimes" "olé" "the bullfighter." Picasso and Braque were there two capitals inventions: the use of collages and assemblages "open form". Six months later, after his stay in Ceret then Sorgue , Picasso embarked on a decisive transformation of his painting: the revolution of pasted paper . The experiment whose fierce Aficionado is completed . Splitting the canvas is lighter than in previous Cubist works . The general tone is brown-gray. With hindsight, the canvas as a human character. Close up view, there are simple geometric shapes (triangles, trapezoids, portions of disks), words and letters, and various items related to bullfighting: a tip Banderilles center horns at the bottom right, the words " Nimes "" olé "" the bullfighter ", etc.. The form at the bottom right can be interpreted as bull testicles in the direction of the canvas or as a bull's head in the opposite direction (upwards). This character, described by Daix and Rosselet as a "remarkable guitar player bull," his door embedded in the left guitar, and cut plans are subject to an effective architecture. Sorgues, Braque wrote Kahnweiller "I take my time in the country to make paper sculptures." it is likely that Picasso also realized if we judge by the invoice Aficionado .


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