Basket with Oranges – (Henri Matisse) قبلی بعد


سبک: Fauvism

تاریخ: 1913

اندازه: 94 x 83 cm

موزه: Musée du Louvre (Paris, France)

Oranges were more than food for Matisse. They were to him what apples were for Cezanne. They became signs of joy, discs of pure color. One of the proudest moments of Matisse's life was when Picasso bought his Basket of Oranges in 1945. Matisse reciprocated by sending Picasso a crate of real oranges every New Year's Day. As the art historian John Golding puts it, "Matisse believed in the orange's health-giving properties, just as he believed in the restorative, healing properties of his own art."



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Henri Matisse – آثار هنری بیشترین بازدید