Apparition Of Face And Vase On The Beach – (Salvador Dali) Anterior Următor


Stil: Surrealism

subiecte: Beach Ghosts Sea Vase Portraits Beaches

Tehnică: Oil

Apparition of Face and Fruit Dish on a Beach (1938) is a painting by the Spanish surrealist Salvador Dalí. The picture shows a fruit on or in a wine glass. A human face (which would be seen again in one of Dalí's later works, The Endless Enigma)[citation needed] is seen below the fruit, the handle of the wine glass acting as the face's nose bridge. The texture of the face is the sand of the beach. On the sand is a cloth and a snapped rope. There also are 2 dogs featured in the background of the painting. The painting is currently on display at the Wadsworth Atheneum In Hartford Connecticut.



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