Zheng Xie

Wikioo.org - สารานุกรมวิจิตรศิลป์ - ศิลปินจิตรกร Zheng Xie

เกิด: 1693

ความตาย: 1766


Zheng Xie (Chinese: 鄭燮 pinyin: Zhèng Xiè) (1693–1765), commonly known as Zheng Banqiao (Chinese: 鄭板橋 pinyin: Zhèng Bǎnqiáo) was a Chinese painter from Jiangsu. He began life in poverty, but rose in the exam system to become a magistrate at Shandong. However, after 12 years, he became critical of the life of an official as he refused to ingratiate h...

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