Antoni Tàpies - Bách khoa toàn thư về mỹ thuật - Nghệ sĩ, họa sĩ Antoni Tàpies

Địa điểm: Barcelona

Sinh ra: 1923

Cái chết: 2012

Tiểu sử:

Antoni Tàpies i Puig, 1st Marquis of Tàpies (Catalan: [ənˈtɔni ˈtapi.əs] 13 December 1923 – 6 February 2012) was a Spanish painter, sculptor and art theorist, who became one of the most famous European artists of his generation. The son of Josep Tàpies i Mestre and Maria Puig i Guerra, Antoni Tàpies Puig was born in Barcelona on 13 December 1923. H...

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