Kiss – (Edvard Munch) سابق التالى


نمط: Expressionism

المواضيع: Love Couple

تاريخ: 1897

حجم: 99 x 81 cm

متحف: The Munch Museum (Oslo, Norway)

تقنية: Oil On Canvas

Munch created many works in a thematic vein, including The Kiss, and exhibited them along side each other in what he called The Freize of Life. The themes in the series ranged from love and death, sex, anxiety, infidelity, jealousy and the stages of life, and included the famous painting The Scream. This painting captures an intimate moment between two nudes, the woman pulling the man towards her in a lover’s embrace, mouths locked in a passionate kiss, and is an example of Munch’s theme of the femme fatal as the dominant creature, taking control to feed her sexual appetite.

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Edvard Munch – الأعمال الفنية الأكثر تصفحا

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