Baptism – (Nicolas Poussin) سابق التالى


نمط: Classicism

المواضيع: Religious Saints Religious

تاريخ: 1642

حجم: 95 x 121 cm

تقنية: Oil On Canvas

The Seven Sacraments is a set of seven paintings by Nicolas Poussin, illustrating the seven sacraments of the Roman Catholic Church. Poussin created two sets of seven sacraments, the first if which was commissioned by Cassiano del Pozzo, an Italian scholar and art collector, and the set was later sold to the Dukes of Rutland in the 18th century. All of the seven paintings remain except for “Penance,” which was destroyed in a fire at the Rutland Belvoir Castle in 1816. “Baptism” was sold to the National Gallery of Art in Washington, DC in 1939. The remaining five paintings reside together at the National Gallery in London.

This artwork is in the public domain.



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Nicolas Poussin – الأعمال الفنية الأكثر تصفحا

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