The Lighthouse at Honfleur – (Claude Monet) предишен Следващия


Дата: 1864

Размер: 54 x 81 cm

Музей: Kunsthaus Zürich (Zürich, Switzerland)

Техника: Oil On Canvas

In 1865 Monet varied the subject in a larger format (90 x 150 cm) and exhibited it in the Salon (Pasadena, CA, Norton Simon Museum, see Daniel Wildenstein: Monet. Catalogue raisonné, 4 vols. (Cologne 1996), vol. II, no. 51). As in another painting from 1864 (55.5 x 82 cm; Rochester, NY, Memorial Art Gallery of the University of Rochester, see Daniel Wildenstein: Monet. Catalogue raisonné, 4 vols. (Cologne 1996), vol. II, no. 37), the lower part of the Côte de Grâce and the lighthouse near the hospice are depicted.

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