promenade dans les collines – (Fernando Botero Angulo) предишен Следващия


стил: Naive Art / Primitivism

Теми: Prayers Priests Men Religious

Дата: 1977

Техника: Oil;Oil On Canvas;Canvas

The “strolling” priest is moving nowhere. He is not walking; he is, indeed, strolling in life. But even this is too much of a movement for him – he is rather standing like a plant. He doesn’t have active (creative) goals. He is as stationary as stationery. He is the stationery for the church hierarchs and the ruling bureaucracy. His mission is just to be present – whether it is to lie on the ground or to stand still amidst life: to be as passive as a tack or a piece of cardboard. This priest is cross-eyed not so much physiologically but psychologically. He doesn’t have any goal in front of him (nothing to look at) and instead he is identical with himself as a part of a respectable hierarchy. His task is not to see the world around but exactly not to see it – he understands his service to the Church as not being interested in the world (the “fallen reality” doesn’t deserve to be registered by the human attention). To be attentive to the world with human beings as they’re is perceived by creatures like this as sinful occupation. “God is more important than man, church is more important than human life”. This priest is really a monist in his dedication. There is no rain – the priest’s umbrella, according to the logical chain of Botero’s images, is his defense against disturbing his inertia spiritual messages present in Christ’s teaching.



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Fernando Botero Angulo – Най-гледани Произведения