Maternity – (Venanzo Crocetti) предишен Следващия


Музей: Crocetti Museum (Rome, Italy)

Техника: Marble

There are multiple representation of maternity among Crocetti’s artworks, starting from the embossment which decorates the door of the place in Largo dei Lombardi, build by architect Vittorio Morpurgo, artwork which has been commissioned by the national social security institute back in 1939 (and inaugurated the year after).As that first attempt, the artwork that is preserved in the Crocetti’s museum is a marble embossment but it juts out less respect to the other and it develops vertically. The shapes are more simplified, the physiognomic details tend to be synthesized and these are stylistic characteristics which suggest a more late dating, to collocate not before the ‘50s, but the circumstances of its creation remain unknown.



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