Gleaner Resting with a Sheaf of Flax – (Armand Seguin) Předchozí Další


Datum: 1894

Velikost: 17 x 19 cm

Muzeum: Musée de Pont-Aven (Pont-Aven, France)

Technika: Etching

Armand Seguin trained at the Ecole des Arts Decoratifs in Paris along with Henri Ibels (1867-1936). In 1889, he met Serusier and Denis and visited the Impressionist and Synthetist Group exhibition at Cafe Volpini. Beginning in 1891, he made many visits to Pont-Aven and met Bernard, Renoir and O’Conor, who introduced him to etching. One of the pioneers of the Pont-Aven School, Seguin moved to Finistere in 1900, living first in Chateaulin and then settling in Chateauneufdu-Faou, where Serusier was living. Gleaner Holding a Sheaf of Flax depicts a young Breton woman in profile, sitting and resting after her day of work, as indicated by the sheaf of flax. Seguin was inspired by traditional costumes, headdresses and farm work, and he often returned to the subject of gleaners. The zinc plate for this print is also in the museum’s collection.

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