Umělec: Francisco De Goya
Styl: Romanticism
Témata: Characters Family Famous People People
Technika: Oil
Carlos IV of Spain and His Family is an oil on canvas painting by the Spanish artist Francisco Goya completed in the summer of 1800. It features life sized depictions of Charles IV of Spain and his family, ostentatiously dressed in fine costume and jewellery. The painting was modeled on Velázquez's Las Meninas when setting the royal subjects in a naturalistic and plausible setting. As in Las Meninas, the royal family apparently paying a visit to the artist's studio, while the artist himself can be seen to the left looking outwards towards the viewer. In both, the artist is shown working on a canvas, of which only the rear is visible. However, the atmospheric and warm perspective of the palace interior of Velázquez's work is replaced in the Goya by a sense of, in the words of Gassier, "imminent suffocation" as the royal family are presented by Goya on a "stage facing the public, while in the shadow of the wings the painter, with a grim smile, points and says: 'Look at them and judge for yourself!'"
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