The Nymph of the Fountain – (Lucas Cranach The Elder) Předchozí Další


Datum: 1534

Velikost: 762 x 508 cm

Muzeum: Walker Art Gallery (Liverpool, United Kingdom)

Technika: Oil On Panel

The picture is based on a medieval text which describes a Roman fountain guarded by a statue of a nymph. Cranach, however, has changed the statue into a sensual creature, much more true to life than the idealised nudes of ancient Roman sculpture. The Latin inscription on the fountain reads: “I, the nymph of the sacred fountain, am resting, do not disturb my sleep”. In fact the nymph is not asleep, but looks out through half open eyes and seems to smile invitingly. Cranach was among the most important German painters of the early 16th century. He is noted in particular for his portraits and for his elongated, cheekily seductive female nudes.

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