The Wave – (Maxime Emile Louis Maufra) Předchozí Další


Datum: 1894

Muzeum: Musée de Pont-Aven (Pont-Aven, France)

Technika: Aquatint

In 1890, Maxime Maufra left a career in business to paint under the guidance of Nantes landscape artists Leroux and Leduc. In the same year, while travelling with his friend Dezaunay (1854-1938), he met Gauguin in Pont-Aven. In 1892 he took lodgings in Montmartre not far from the studio of Eugene Delatre (1864-1938), who introduced him to etching. Based on a drawing Maufra made in 1892, this print depicts the rocky coastline of Porgastel in Le Pouldu being battered by a stormy sea, with a particularly large wave approaching from the left.

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