Umělec: Peter Paul Rubens
Témata: Portraits
Datum: 1622
Velikost: 36 x 28 cm
Muzeum: Musée du Louvre (Paris, France)
Technika: Drawing
Portrait of Marie de' Medici (1622-1625) a painting by Peter Paul Rubens. Dressed completely in black, with a widow's headdress and simple jewelry, Marie de Medici is portrayed as the Queen Mother, after having governed France as a Regent from 1610 to 1617. As one of Rubens' most outstanding patrons, the queen commissioned him to decorate her Luxemburg Palace in Paris with a series of works that glorified her figure and that of her husband, Henri IV. Rubens began the present work with that end in mind, but it was left unfinished, as can be seen in the sketchy background. This painting belonged to the artist until his death, and was later acquired by Felipe IV. It is housed in the Museo del Prado, Madrid.
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