The isle of the dead (Version 3) – (Arnold Bocklin) Previous Next


Topic: Death Birth And Death Lakes

Date: 1883

Size: 80 x 150 cm

Museum: Alte Nationalgalerie (Berlin, Germany)

Technique: Oil On Panel

Isle of the Dead (German: Die Toteninsel) is the best-known painting of Swiss Symbolist artist Arnold Böcklin (1827–1901). Prints were very popular in central Europe in the early 20th century—Vladimir Nabokov observed in his novel Despair that they could be "found in every Berlin home". Böcklin produced several different versions of the mysterious painting between 1880 and 1886. The third version was painted in 1883 for Böcklin’s dealer Fritz Gurlitt. Beginning with this version, one of the burial chambers in the rocks on the right bears Böcklin's own initials: "A.B.". (In 1933, this version was put up for sale and a noted Böcklin admirer, Adolf Hitler, acquired it. He hung it first at the Berghof in Obersalzberg and, then after 1940, in the New Reich Chancellery in Berlin. It is now at the Alte Nationalgalerie, Berlin.)

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