Saint Hugh of Lincoln Exorcises a Man Possessed by the Devil – (Gherardo Di Jacopo Starnina) Previous Next


Date: 1407

Size: 50 x 28 cm

Museum: Museo Poldi Pezzoli (Milan, Italy)

Technique: Panel

In the centre of the scene a group of elegant figures presents a man with his wrists and ankles bound to a saint bishop. He uses holy water to drive out the devil, who is flying away. Next to the cart in which the victim arrived, the carters wait, observing the miracle, fascinated and alarmed.The cart, the horses and the variously coloured buildings lining the square create a hint of spatial depth. The saint represented is Saint Hugh (1140-1200), bishop of Lincoln and the founder of the first Charterhouse in England.This panel was originally a compartment of the predella of an altarpiece (now dismembered), painted for the chapel of Cardinal Angelo Acciaioli in the Charterhouse of Florence between 1404 and 1407.

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