Villa R – (Paul Klee) Previous Next


Style: Cubism

Topic: Buildings Village

Date: 1919

Size: 22 x 26 cm

Technique: Oil On Panel

Paul Klee

is a renowned Swiss-German artist who made significant contributions to abstract art, particularly through his use of vibrant colors and geometric shapes. One of his most notable works is "Villa R", which he created in 1919 using oil on carton. This painting is currently housed at the Kunstmuseum Basel in Switzerland.

Description of Villa R

The abstract style of this artwork showcases a villa situated by the side of a road that leads into the mountains. A full moon can be seen shining above the horizon, while a large letter "R" dominates the foreground and appears to be an integral part of the landscape. The red road forms a diagonal line across the painting, intersecting with another set of green shapes, including the letter "R", which also creates a diagonal line. The villa is placed at the point where these two lines meet.

Historical Significance

The meaning behind the letter "R" in "Villa R" remains uncertain, but it has been suggested that it may represent the word "Rosa". Klee had previously seen a villa called Villa Rosa during his travels to Italy in the early 1900s. The painting was later confiscated by the Nazis as part of their campaign against so-called "degenerate art" and sold at an auction in Lucerne, Switzerland, where it was acquired by its current owner, the Kunstmuseum Basel.


The painting "Villa R" is considered one of the 105 most important works of Western art history and has been included in Michel Butor's "Musée imaginaire". This recognition highlights Klee's enduring influence on modern art.


In conclusion, "Villa R" by Paul Klee is a remarkable example of abstract art that showcases the artist's unique style and use of color and form. Its historical significance as an artwork targeted by Nazi censorship adds to its cultural value, making it a must-see for anyone interested in modern art history.

Related Paintings

If you enjoyed learning about "Villa R", here are some other works by Paul Klee that may interest you:

  • Strong Dream: A captivating expressionist painting featuring a dreamlike scene with vivid colors and intricate details. View it at
  • Harbour with Sailing Ships: An impressive cubist work depicting a harbor filled with sailboats, showcasing Klee's mastery of geometric shapes and color contrasts. View it at

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