Houses near the Gravel Pit – (Paul Klee) Previous Next


Style: Expressionism

Topic: Buildings Buildings

Date: 1913

Size: 15 x 16 cm

Technique: Watercolour

In 1910, Klee had his first solo exhibition, and the year later, became acquainted with Wassily Kandinsky and Franz Marc, two avant garde figures in the art world. A further visit to Paris in 1912 exposed him to examples of Cubism and Abstract Art, or “pure painting,” which led him to experiment on his own with abstract shapes and color palettes. His landscape work Houses near the Gravel Pit, is one of the first of such experiments, which used blocks of color that did not overlap. This painting also illustrates his attempt to begin abstracting the visual forms into shapes and colors that led to idea of the design, rather than painting the design itself.

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