Composition X – (Wassily Kandinsky) Previous Next


Style: Expressionism

Topic: Life Composition

Technique: Oil

Wassily Kandinsky, one of the pioneers of abstract art, created a masterpiece with his painting Composition X. This stunning work of art is available on our website,

Background and History of Composition X

Composition X, created in 1939, is an abstract oil painting by the Russian émigré artist Wassily Kandinsky. It is part of the collection of the Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen in Düsseldorf, Germany.

Understanding Composition X

Composition X represents the full range of human emotions and their interplay within the canvas. Kandinsky was aware of recent scientific developments and the advances of modern artists who had contributed to radically new ways of seeing and experiencing the world.

Kandinsky's Style and Technique

Kandinsky's style is characterized by vibrant colors, bold shapes, and abstract forms. He used oil paint on canvas to create Composition X, which measures 100 x 140 cm. The painting showcases Kandinsky's mastery of color theory, brushwork, and texture.

Why You Should Own Composition X

Composition X is a timeless piece of art that will add beauty and sophistication to any space. By owning this masterpiece, you will not only enhance your home or office decor but also invest in a valuable piece of art history.


Composition X by Wassily Kandinsky is a stunning example of abstract art. This masterpiece, available on, will make a beautiful addition to any art collection.

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