Artist: Claude Monet
Date: 1890
Size: 60 x 100 cm
Museum: National Gallery of Australia (Australia)
Technique: Oil On Canvas
Grainstacks were monumental subjects on the landscape symbolizing fertility and prosperity; they were directly associated with the French countryside. Monet was rendering the light and air surrounding the object, its distinctive light and atmosphere, this, he referred to as 'enveloppe.' The subject became secondary to the colors and effects. He was trying to capture air and light with paint. It is relatively easy to decipher what he is trying to accomplish in the Grainstacks at Sunset, Snow Effect - the same blue used in the surroundings is picked up in the Grainstack, breaking down the barrier between the figure and ground. Monet captured the haziness that surrounded the figure. In these paintings, Monet's love of the French countryside, deep admiration for nature and his distinctive individualism all come through in eloquent simplicity.
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