Forest Landscape – (Jan Both) Edellinen seuraava


Treffi: 1643

koko: 27 x 32 cm

museo: Museum of Fine Arts (Budapest, Hungary)

Tekniikka: Drawing

Since the sixteenth century, a study trip to Italy was common practice for Northern European painters. Most often their destination was Rome, but many also spent some time in Venice, Genoa, Florence and Naples. In the sixteenth century, they went primarily to study antiquities and the famous works of the Italian masters. By the seventeenth century, many a Northern artist wanted to see the Italian landscapes, as well. A certain group of visiting Netherlandish landscapists whose oeuvre was deeply imbued with their impressions of Italian landscapes became known as the Dutch Italianates.Jan Both belonged to the second generation of this group. He arrived to Italy in 1637, and evidence shows that he was still in Rome in 1642. It was at this time that such great masters of landscape painting as Claude Lorrain, Nicolas Poussin, Herman van Swanevelt and Jan Asselijn were at work in the city. In spite of the fact that Both was competing with such famous masters, he soon made a name for himself and received important commissions. His most important patron was Spain

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