Portrait Of Maffeo Barberini – (Caravaggio (Michelangelo Merisi)) קוֹדֵם הַבָּא


סִגְנוֹן: Baroque

נושאים: Portraits

טֶכנִיקָה: Oil

Portrait of Maffeo Barberini (c. 1598) is a painting by the Italian Baroque master Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio. It is held in a private collection in Florence. Barberini, 30 years old and from the eminent Florentine Barberini family, was a rapidly rising Church prelate, a friend of Caravaggio's patron Cardinal Francesco Maria Del Monte, and himself a poet and patron of the arts. Barberini's support would continue into later years – in 1603 he commissioned a Sacrifice of Isaac from Caravaggio. In 1623 he became Pope as Urban VIII.

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