St. Andrew and St. Francis – (El Greco (Doménikos Theotokopoulos)) קוֹדֵם הַבָּא


סִגְנוֹן: Mannerism

נושאים: Religious Saints

טֶכנִיקָה: Oil

St. Andrew and St. Francis (1595) is a oil on canvas painting by the Spanish Renaissance painter, sculptor and architect El Greco. El Greco would have been aware of the grand series of pairs of Saints painted by Navarrete for the chapels of the Church of the Escorial, the commission interrupted by the latter's death in 1579. From the time of the Burial of the Count of Orgaz, El Greco began to create his own images of the different Saints. Once a pattern was created, he kept closely to it. The pairing of Saints - the juxtaposition of two separate personalities, with their different spiritual significance - accentuates the individual characters. Saint Peter and Saint Paul, the two Saint Johns, were more obvious juxtapositions, but he also brought together such unlikely characters as in the present painting - the one, the somewhat austere Apostle and Martyr of the time of Christ; the other, the ecstatic and 'gentle' Saint of the Middle Ages. The painting (167 x 113 cm) is in the collection of the Museo del Prado, Madrid.

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