Művész: Wassily Kandinsky
Stílus: Expressionism
témák: Architecture Birth And Death
találka: 1909
méret: 71 x 98 cm
múzeum: Kunsthalle (Hamburg, Germany)
Technika: Oil
he original Arabs I Cemetery was created by Wassily Kandinsky in 1909 and represents the artist’s experimentation with Expressionist concepts. The original is oil on cardboard and is part of the modern art collection at the Hamburger Kunsthalle art museum in Germany. Our hand painted reproduction of this lively composition is oil on canvas and of the highest quality: Capturing the movement and the vivid colors of the artist’s original. Arabs I Cemetery is among Kandinsky’s earlier works which do not yet incorporate the more severe angular forms of his later compositions. However, within this painting we witness Kandinsky’s move toward more geometric form and linear planes. The orange, green and blue hues of Arabs I Cemetery emanate a tranquil feel. However, the blues contrast notably with the green and orange giving this oil painting a cool edge. Expressionism was a volatile approach to art simply because it was relative and personal to the artist: This oil painting as such depicts to us how Kandinsky felt in response to the environment. Kandinsky was one of the Blue Riders main figures and his work at this time was making a notable break with more traditional approaches to oil painting. Colorful and spiritual Arabs I Cemetery marks the ebb of an era within oil painting.
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