Danae – (Gustav Klimt) Sebelumnya Berikutnya


Gaya: Art Nouveau

topik: Myths

tanggal: 1908

ukuran: 77 x 83 cm

museum: Galerie Würthle (Vienna, Austria)

Teknik: Oil On Canvas

This painting is a typical representation of Klimt’s stylized eroticism, and portrays the subject of Danae, which has been a popular theme throughout painting, having been painted before by Corregio, Rembrandt, and Titian. Danae was the symbol of divine love, transcendence, and sensational beauty. By positioning the model with a raised leg, this painting pays tribute to the Titian series of paintings by the same name. As the story goes, while Danae was imprisoned by her father, she was visited by Zeus, in the form of the golden rain flowing between her legs. Soon after Zeus’ visit, Danae became pregnant and gave birth to her son Perseus.

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