The Miracle of St Mark Freeing the Slave – (Tintoretto (Jacopo Comin)) 너무 이른 다음 것


스타일: Italian Renaissance

주제: Miracles People Saints

날짜: 1548

박물관: Gallerie dell'Accademia (Venezia, Italy)

기술: Oil

The Miracle of St Mark Freeing the Slave is a painting by Tintoretto (Jacopo Comin). Currently housed in the Gallerie dell'Accademia in Venice, northern Italy. It portrays an episode of the life of St. Mark, patron saint of Venice, taken from Jacopo da Varazze's Golden Legend. The scene shows, in the upper part, the saint intervening to make invulnerable a slave which was going to be martyrized for his veneration of a saint's relics. All the figures are inscribed into an architectonic scenario. Different influences on Tintoretto's art can be seen in the picture: while the anatomies are Michelangelo-like, the vivid and intense colors are typical of the Venetian School.

This artwork is in the public domain.



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Tintoretto (Jacopo Comin) – 가장 많이 본 작품

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