Artiest: Franz Marc
Stijl: Expressionism
Topics: Colour
Tatum: 1911
Trootte: 121 x 183 cm
Tuseum: Busch-Reisinger Museum (United States)
Techniek: Oil On Canvas
“Grazing Horses IV,” also known as “The Red Horses,” painted by Franz Marc in 1911, to serve as an example of the fate of these choice items illegally culled from the cultural temples of Germany. A closer examination of its history helps us in our understanding of how historical information is conveyed about these and similar works which carry forever a genuinely controversial pedigree. This exceptionally vibrant and dreamy painting had once been the pride and joy of the Folkwang Museum in Essen, Germany, from which it was de-accessioned together with hundreds of other works in 1937. It is presently on long-term loan to Harvard University’s Fogg Art Museum in Cambridge, MA. Previously, it had been featured in a landmark exhibit of Franz Marc’s “Horses” in the fall of 2000 at the Busch-Reisinger Museum, which is also part of Harvard University. The current owner of the painting is Gabriele Brougier Esselborn Geier.
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