The Source of the Loue – (Gustave Courbet) voorgaand Volgende


Stijl: Realism

Topics: Mountains Rivers

Tatum: 1864

Tuseum: Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, United States)

Techniek: Chalk

While Moses' way of piecing together compositions was partly dictated by her sense of abstract design, the arrangements were always subordinated to the requirements of the landscape. As a substitute for academic perspective (which she had never learned), she had recourse not just to a progressive scheme of diminishing sizes, but also to coloristic indicators of space. She was quick to note such qualities as the pale blue of distant hills, or the tonal gradations of the sky. She translated phenomena observed from nature into veils of color and layers of pigment.

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Gustave Courbet – Meest bekeken kunstwerken

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