The ''Gouden Leeuw'' before Amsterdam – (Willem Van De Velde The Elder) voorgaand Volgende


Tatum: 1686

Trootte: 180 x 316 cm

Tuseum: Historisch Museum (Amsterdam, Netherlands)

Techniek: Oil On Canvas

This Meissen 'Augustus Rex' purple-ground baluster vase and cover has each side painted with a quatrefoil reserve, one side showing a chinoiserie man leading his companion on a donkey, flanked by palm trees, the other side with man and woman seated at a table drinking tea in a mountainous landscape, the reserve edged with a gilt scrollwork border, the cylindrical neck with scattered sprigs of indianische Blumen, the domed cover with panels of estuary scenes and with onion-shaped finial.The AR monogram mark in underglaze-blue is the cipher of both Augustus II the Strong (1670-1733) and his successor Augustus III (1696-1763), though it seems to have been used at Meissen mainly between 1725 and 1730. It is found on some of the most ambitious and largest vases made at the time. The mark has always been said to have been used on pieces intended for the Royal palaces, or as Royal gifts. The decoration of fantastic beasts and exotically-dressed figures, drawn with clean outline in black, is distinctively after the manner of Adam Friedrich Löwenfinck, one of a distinguished family of painters at the factory, who left their employment in 1736.

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Willem Van De Velde The Elder – Meest bekeken kunstwerken

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