Artist: Tiziano Vecellio (Titian)
Date: 1570
Museum: Musée des Beaux-Arts (Bordeaux, France)
Technique: Oil On Canvas
Marie Leczinska (1703-1768) was born at Breslau on the 23rd of June 1703, being the daughter of Stanislas Leszczynski (who in 1704 became king of Poland) and of Catherine Opalinska. She was betrothed to Louis XV, a step which was the outcome of the jealousies of the houses of Conde and Orleans, and was everywhere regarded as a mesalliance for the French king. The marriage took place at Fontainebleau on the 5th of September 1725.Suggested listening (streaming mp3, 3 minutes):Marc-Antoine Charpentier: Marche en Rondeau
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