Artysta: Vincent Van Gogh
Styl: Post-Impressionism
Tematy: Flowers Forests Gardens And Parks Spring
Data: 1888
Rozmiar: 48 x 35 cm
Muzeum: Van Gogh Museum (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Technika: Oil On Canvas
Almond Tree in Blossom is also referred to as Almond Tree, represents much of what Vincent often thought about: rebirth. Trees blooming and flowering announces the beginning of spring and new life. As a gift to celebrate the birth of a child, this could not be more perfect. As soon as Van Gogh found out about the birth, he immediately thought to visit his brother in Paris. Knowing that he was still trying to overcome his mental health issues, he was aware that a trip to a big city could be taxing. He hoped his time in the asylum would enable him to start again, feeling well. He often wrote that he felt better after being in the hospital.
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