Portrait of Giulio Romano – (Tiziano Vecellio (Titian)) Anterior Próximo


tópicos: Portraits

Encontro: 1536

Tamanho: 101 x 86 cm

museu: Palazzo della Provincia (Mantua, Italy)

Técnica: Oil On Canvas

This is Titian's only known surviving drawing for any of his painted portraits. A study above all of the suit of armour and to capture the pose, it is clearly based on a model rather than on the duke himself, to whom the head bears little resemblance. The drawing thus confirms what one might in any case have suspected: that Titian's portraits were not executed in the presence of his sitters, most of whom were too grand or too busy to devote much time to posing for the painter.

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Grátis para uso não comercial. Ver abaixo.

Tiziano Vecellio (Titian) – Obras de arte mais vistos

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