Green Wheat Field with Cypress – (Vincent Van Gogh) Anterior Próximo


Estilo: Post-Impressionism

tópicos: Fields Colour Food Forests Nature

Encontro: 1889

Tamanho: 92 x 73 cm

museu: National Gallery (Prague, Czech Republic)

Técnica: Oil On Canvas

Discover the beauty of Green Wheat Field with Cypress, a masterpiece by Vincent Van Gogh

Vincent Van Gogh's Green Wheat Field with Cypress is an oil-on-canvas painting that showcases the artist's unique style and mastery of color. This stunning work of art, which is held by the National Gallery Prague, is a perfect example of Van Gogh's ability to capture the beauty and emotion of nature in his paintings.

A classic conception with restless beyond measure lines

Although restless beyond measure, with few straight lines, this landscape is one of the most classic in conception among Van Gogh's works. The painting features a golden wheat field, tall evergreen cypresses, an olive bush, and a backdrop of the blue Provençal sky. Devoid of visible human presence, this landscape includes typically Provençal motifs that are characteristic of Van Gogh's style during his time in Arles.

Experience the beauty of Green Wheat Field with Cypress at

At, we offer high-quality reproductions of Green Wheat Field with Cypress that capture the beauty and emotion of Van Gogh's original work. Our handmade oil paintings are created by skilled artists who use traditional techniques to bring the painting to life. We also offer print on canvas options that are perfect for adding a touch of classic art to your home or office.

Explore more works by Vincent Van Gogh at

In addition to Green Wheat Field with Cypress, we offer a wide range of reproductions and prints of Van Gogh's most famous works. From the iconic Starry Night to the vibrant Sunflowers, our collection showcases the beauty and diversity of Van Gogh's art. Experience the beauty and emotion of Vincent Van Gogh's masterpieces with high-quality reproductions and prints from Shop now to add a touch of classic art to your home or office.

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