Sanatçı: Tiziano Vecellio (Titian)
stil: High Renaissance
Konular: Punishments Scenes
teknik: Oil
The Punishment of Marsyas is a painting by the Italian late Renaissance artist Titian, executed around 1570-1576. It is currently housed in National Museum in Kroměříž, in the Czech Republic. The painting is part of a series of canvasses with mythological themes which Titian executed in his late years. It portrays the flaying of Marsyas, a silenus who dared to defy the God Apollo. The choice of such a crude scene was perhaps inspired to the death of Marcantonio Bragadin, a Venetian commander who was flayed by the Ottomans in that period. Midas, the thoughtful character on the right, is likely the artist's self-portrait.
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