Художник: Fra Angelico
стиль: Early Renaissance
Теми: Christianity Religious
техніка: Oil
Transfiguration of Christ (1440-42) is a Fresco by the an Early Italian Renaissance painter Fra Angelico. This is the fresco on the wall of Cell 6 of the Convento di San Marco in Florence. In this fresco Christ stands on a rock, prefiguring his rising from the tomb. His arms are outstretched and in this He also foreshadows his own crucifixion. He is voluminously clad in a sculptural mass of glowing white robe, and encircling Him is a radiant white mandorla. His forward gaze does not directly engage the eye of the spectator. At the base of the rock three of the Apostles crouch in awed positions, but they maintain the curious contemplative detachment from the drama of the scene which is the hallmark of this fresco cycle. The Fresco (181 x 152 cm) is now in the Convento di San Marco, Florence.
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