Artist: Mårten Eskil Winge
Date: 1872
Size: 3330 x 4840 cm
Museum: Nationalmuseum (Stockholm, Sweden)
Technique: Oil On Canvas
In the realm of Scandinavian art, few paintings have captured the essence of Norse mythology as vividly as Mårten Eskil Winge's "Tors strid med jättarna" (Thor's Fight with the Giants). Created in 1872, this oil on canvas masterpiece is a testament to Winge's skill and his deep understanding of the mythological themes that dominated the artistic landscape of his time.
Winge was a professor at the Royal Swedish Academy of Arts, where history painting was considered the pinnacle of artistic achievement. His association with the Düsseldorf school of painting and his influence by Norse mythology themes, also found in works by Nils Blommér (1816–1853) and Carl Wahlbom (1810-1858), are evident in this work.
The painting measures 484 x 333 centimeters and is housed at the Nationalmuseum in Stockholm. It depicts Thor, the Norse god of thunder, riding his chariot pulled by the goats Tanngrisnir and Tanngnjóstr. He wears his belt Megingjörð and swings his hammer Mjölnir, which is wreathed in lightning. The scene is set against a backdrop of a fierce battle between Thor and the giants (Jötnar), symbolizing the eternal struggle between good and evil.
Upon its public exhibition at Nationalmuseum in 1872, the painting was met with widespread acclaim. It drew large crowds, with some people waiting for hours to catch a glimpse of it. The young August Strindberg wrote a positive review, interpreting the subject matter as a depiction of truth's struggle against falsehood.
The swastika on Thor's belt of power has been a point of contention due to its later association with extremist ideologies. However, for Winge and his contemporaries, it was an ancient decorative symbol representing the sun, appearing in architectural decoration and various logos.
"Thor's Fight with the Giants" is not only a masterpiece of Scandinavian art but also a reflection of the national liberal movement that used Norse motifs to extol democracy and the fight against ignorance. It continues to influence our ideas about Vikings and the Æsir gods, making it a significant piece in the history of art.
Mårten Eskil Winge's "Tors strid med jättarna" is a powerful representation of Norse mythology, capturing the essence of Thor's battle against the giants. Its historical significance and artistic merit make it a must-see for anyone interested in Scandinavian art and culture.
offers high-quality, handmade oil painting reproductions of this and other masterpieces. Visit us to explore more works by Mårten Eskil Winge and other renowned artists.
For those interested in Scandinavian art, Thielska Galleriet is a hidden gem worth exploring: Thielska Galleriet, Sweden: A Hidden Gem of Scandinavian Art
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