هنرمند: Giuseppe Arcimboldo
سبک: Mannerism
موضوعات: Summer
تاریخ: 1563
اندازه: 84 x 57 cm
موزه: Kunsthistorisches Museum (Vienna, Austria)
تکنیک: Oil
In 1562 Arcimboldo left his country and joined the Emperor's court, where he was liked and treated well and received with great kindness, and the Emperor gave him a good salary worthy of his merits and also showed his affection in many other ways. And so our Arcimboldo lived a very fulfilling and honorable life at the Imperial court, not only for him (Ferdinand), but also the entire court, not only with his paintings, but also many other works of art and pieces of woodwork for occasions such as tournaments, games, weddings, coronations, and especially when Archduke Charles of Austria took a wife. This noble and inspired man fashioned a great number of rare and delicate works of art which caused considerable amazement among all the illustrious noblemen who used to congregate there, and his lord and master (Ferdinand) was very pleased with him.
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