Floral Still LIfe – (Giuseppe Arcimboldo) قبلی بعد


سبک: Mannerism

موضوعات: Life Flowers

تاریخ: 1591

اندازه: 73 x 56 cm

تکنیک: Oil

Giuseppe Arcimboldo (1527-1593) was a great Italian artist, worked in the technique named “Mannerism”. He is best known for painting fantastic portraits made utterly of such different objects of inanimate nature as vegetables, fruits, flowers, animals and even books. If we look at the distance, his draws seem to be normal human portraits. Nevertheless, individual objects in each painting is actually overlapped together that creates from unlinked originally fragments various anatomical shapes. It seems that your imagination constructs these images itself. Moreover, when he assembled things in one painting, he never selected objects randomly.

This artwork is in the public domain.



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Giuseppe Arcimboldo – آثار هنری بیشترین بازدید

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