Portrait of Erasmus of Rotterdam – (Hans Holbein The Younger) قبلی بعد


سبک: Northern Renaissance

موضوعات: Famous People Men Portraits

تاریخ: 1523

اندازه: 76 x 51 cm

موزه: Galleria Nazionale (Italy)

تکنیک: Oil On Panel

Portrait of Erasmus of Rotterdam (1523) is artwork (Oil and tempera on wood) by the German painter and printmaker Hans Holbein the Younger. Desiderius Erasmus Roterodamus (1466–1536), sometimes known as Desiderius Erasmus of Rotterdam, was a Dutch Renaissance humanist and a Catholic priest and theologian. Holbein's portrait of Erasmus includes a Latin couplet by the scholar, inscribed on the edge of the leaning book on the shelf, which states that Holbein would rather have a slanderer than an imitator. The painting (76 × 51 cm) is in the National Gallery, London, on loan from Longford Castle.

This artwork is in the public domain.



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Hans Holbein The Younger – آثار هنری بیشترین بازدید

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